Writer of facts and fiction

I write novels and stories inspired by sets of facts and bodies of knowledge. I'm a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and my writing appears in Iron Horse, Stone Canoe, Sport Literate, and elsewhere. Find my review of Best Microfiction 2021 at Trampset. I'm at work on a novel composed of short stories, all connected by water.

As a writer for Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences, I report on faculty research in a wide range of subjects. Recent favorites include articles on: exoplanets, Augustine and slavery, extreme astronomy, and a submarine robot named Icefin.

Send me a thought, a link, or a poem. I love to connect with people in the writing community. And fellow runners and theater geeks, too.


Recent Blog Posts

Live from Kyiv

By Kate Blackwood | August 26, 2023

The conversation on an August Saturday morning (evening for those in Ukraine) was delightful, informative, heartrending – and, like the novel is purported to be, heartening

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Slim Cranky’s Greatest Hits

By Kate Blackwood | July 29, 2023

The songs stuck in my head after two years of parenting

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A race bib bearing the number 1000 near a unicorn sticker

Lucky number 1000

By Kate Blackwood | June 25, 2023

“Great number!” one voice called to me as I tried to find my way into the start corral, a quarter mile long and crammed with runners.

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