Writer of facts and fiction

I write novels and stories inspired by sets of facts and bodies of knowledge. I'm a graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and my writing appears in Iron Horse, Stone Canoe, Sport Literate, and elsewhere. Find my review of Best Microfiction 2021 at Trampset. I'm at work on a novel composed of short stories, all connected by water.

As a writer for Cornell's College of Arts and Sciences, I report on faculty research in a wide range of subjects. Recent favorites include articles on: a free press and democracy, exoplanets, extreme astronomy, and a submarine robot named Icefin.

Send me a thought, a link, or a poem. I love to connect with people in the writing community. And fellow runners and theater geeks, too.


Recent Blog Posts

Cambridge monuments you may have missed

By Kate Blackwood | July 19, 2024

A memorial for everything, almost. And if there isn’t one, make it up.

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A man walks up a steep trail carrying a child in a backpack. In the foreground, a gnarled pine tree has a blue paint mark on it

Blue blazes

By Kate Blackwood | June 29, 2024

The descent from Acadia Mountain and the joy of engaging fully with the task at hand when there’s no other option.

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Smoots, Naticks, and glass bananas

By Kate Blackwood | May 2, 2024

Enjoy this quiz of Boston area oddities!

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