Blog Posts

Honeybee up close

Book review: The History of Bees

By Kate Blackwood / April 10, 2020

Honeybees star in this book. They don’t speak, but they are continually communicating. By the end, I was fully impressed by the important role bees play in global agriculture and the danger to overlooking them or even abusing them.

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Books for the musician, music for the writer

By Kate Blackwood / April 8, 2020

Practicing the piano was his work. Reading was his fun. The pattern is the same now.

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Curtain in window with race number attached

Winter Chill

By Kate Blackwood / January 26, 2020

Like any hard thing, there is only one route from “before” to “after,” and that is through.

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Wooden sign post with Japanese writing amidst flowers

The accidental pilgrim

By Kate Blackwood / April 18, 2019

At the heart of my trip to Japan in April 2019 was a five-day, four-night “self-guided tour” on Shikoku Island.

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